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Litany of Forgiveness for Climate Change

Leader: Holy and Gracious God, Creator of all things, All: Forgive us, Lord,

for the destruction we have caused to your sacred creation, the Earth.

Leader: For the forests that we have razed and the habitats we have destroyed, All: Forgive us, Lord, for the harm we have inflicted on the Earth.

Leader: For the pollution we have released into the air, soil, and water, All: Forgive us, Lord, for our disregard of the Earth's delicate balance.

Leader: For the overconsumption and waste that strain the Earth's resources, All: Forgive us, Lord, for our failure to be responsible stewards.

Leader: For the exploitation of natural resources without regard for future generations, All: Forgive us, Lord, for our shortsightedness and greed.

Leader: For the disruption of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity, All: Forgive us, Lord, for neglecting the intricate web of life you have created.

Leader: For the contribution to climate change and its devastating impact, All: Forgive us, Lord, for our lack of foresight and care.

Leader: For the marginalization of vulnerable communities disproportionately affected by environmental degradation, All: Forgive us, Lord, for our failure to seek justice and alleviate their suffering.

Leader: For the indifference and complacency that have hindered our commitment to the Earth, All: Forgive us, Lord, and awaken in us a passion for restoration and renewal.

Leader: Gracious God, grant us the wisdom and courage to change our ways, All: Guide us to be responsible stewards, nurturing and protecting the Earth.

Leader: Strengthen our resolve to work for justice, advocating for the voiceless and the Earth itself, All: Empower us to be agents of healing, bringing about reconciliation and renewal.

Leader: May we learn to live in harmony with creation, recognizing our interconnectedness, All: And may our love for the Earth be a testament to our love for you, O God.

All: Amen.

Written by Rev. Fr. PADRIG (Lorenzo) Thomas, MDiv.

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